Yesterday (30 of April) I gave a lecture in WA (White Area) at CERN. I was talking about my new project (in fact Master of Degree thesis topic). This is automated testing tool which uses fuzzing technique. It can be used for generate CLI, API, Unit, Functionally, Regression, … , tests – in fact we can use it for all types of tests. Generated programs are independent from language. It can generate output program in JAVA, C, C++, Assembler, Python, Perl, C#, … languages – we can simply add new modules for add new languages.  To be more flexible, framework used Aspect-Oriented Programming  (AOP). First beta version of framework is published on CERN svn servers. It is integrated with DPM CLI tests and works pretty well 😉

In the future maybe I will publish some more details.

Btw. This project can be simply adapted for search vulnerabilities in software 😉

Best regards,

Adam Zabrocki


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