
by pi3

Finally! 19 of July 2011 I had defence of my Master of Degree. I pass exam from whole study at mark 5.5 (the highest mark) and defence my thesis with mark 5.5 (the highest mark) and on the diploma I’m going to have final mark 5.0 (almost the highest mark ;)). My thesis was interesting not only for me but also for my University and they want to send it to the contest 😉 My topic was: “Elaboration of an automatic system of fuzz testing technique to use in the CERN grid applications”. To be honest now I have very powerful fuzzer ;>


  1. xorl on 07.22.2011

    Congrats man! 🙂

  2. admin on 07.23.2011

    Thanks! 🙂 Finally I can focus more on research ;p

  3. krasir on 07.24.2011

    Congratulations!!! I still believe in you!

  4. eneon on 07.25.2011


  5. admin on 07.25.2011

    Thanks man 😉

  6. admin on 07.27.2011

    Thanks! This is great honor for me 😉

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