
by pi3

More than year ago I was publish advisory in ‘mtr’ software. I think, personally, it is great bug because it can’t exist without unspecified situation in  libresolv library 🙂 The question is why have I written information about it on blog?

I forgot add this advisory in my site (sic!) 🙂 Now it’s ok and you can find this advisory here.

I attached to this advisory details and Proof Of Concept. If you haven’t read it yet i strongly recommend you to do it because it shows that sometimes if  we read source code we think bug doesn’t exists but sometimes other external stuff/bugs/unspecified situation help us to trigger and exploit unexisting bug 🙂

Here is link – once again:

Btw. In future I want to continue research about CPU bugs and probably it will cause news posts in this topic 🙂

Best regards,

Adam Zabrocki


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